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卫报看世界  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-11-30 21:46
Tailors worked out long ago that men and women have different shapes. Yet this message has failed to penetrate many other areas of design. Car seatbelts, for example, which date back to the 1880s, are often still configured for men, who tend to sit farther back than women when driving. Most protective gear used by workers is designed for men’s bodies. And today the most forward-looking place on Earth—Silicon Valley—is stillembedding old-school bias into new products.裁缝们很早就得出这个结论,男人和女人的身材是不一样的。然而,这一观念却未能渗透到设计的其他领域。例如,可以追溯到1880年代的汽车安全带,它们通常仍为男性而配置,而男性开车时往往比女性坐得更靠后。工人使用的大多数防护装备都是为男性的身体设计的。如今,地球上最具前瞻性的地方- 硅谷 -仍在 ………………………………

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