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备考CATTI  · 公众号  ·  · 2022-12-26 08:14
各地区各部门要切实担负起稳定经济的责任,积极推出有利于经济稳定的政策。All localities and government departments should fulfill their responsibilities for maintaining stable macroeconomic performance by proactively introducing pro-stability policies.答错了没关系~点击空白处查看解析吧!要统筹稳增长、调结构、推改革,We should take coordinated moves to keep growth stable, promote structural adjustment, and carry out reform.答错了没关系~点击空白处查看解析吧!加快转变发展方式,不搞粗放型发展。We should work faster to transform the growth model, and say no to an extensive development model.答错了没关系~点击空白处查看解析吧!坚持实事求是,We should follow a fact-based approach,答错了没关系~点击空白处查看解析吧!立足社会主义初级阶段基本国情,bear in mind the fundamental dimension of China’s national context, that is, it is still in the pr ………………………………

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