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工业园区 | 办公总部:独特的坡屋顶设计

搜建筑  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-02-29 13:32
▲ 更多精品,关注“搜建筑”彼得-皮希勒建筑事务所为最近竣工的位于意大利博洛尼亚 Calderara di Reno 的邦飞利总部揭幕。新总部的设计源于建造一座高效、实用的办公楼的需要,以体现这家意大利公司的专业性、创新性和引以为豪的历史。邦飞利公司成立于 1956 年,是全球领先的齿轮电机、驱动系统、行星齿轮箱和变频器制造商和供应商。邦飞利的解决方案是全球工业自动化、移动机械和可再生能源领域的推动力。Peter Pichler Architecture unveils the recently completed Bonfiglioli Headquarters in Calderara di Reno, Bologna, Italy. The new Headquarters arose from the need to create an efficient and functional office building that expresses the professionalism, innovation, and proud history of the Italian company. Founded in 1956, Bonfiglioli is a leading manufacturer and supplier of a complete range of gear motors, drive systems, planetary gearboxes ………………………………

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