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安夏说英语  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-04-08 13:16
【↓↓视频教学节选版】→点击获取发音规则←太温暖啦!Keep Your Head Up Princess:昂首阔步向前走温柔又治愈!《Welcome to Wonderland》1秒沦陷!Anson唱的都是什么啊,太戳心了音频节选版讲解▼音频完整讲解版长按识别二维码开启完整模式 歌曲信息&歌词大意Chris James  The Race(1)I found my self on the freeway我发现自己驰骋于高速公路上Hundred and eighty车速一百八十迈But something is changing hmm但是改变却悄然发生The scenery is amazing风景优美That's what they're saying人们总是把这句话挂在嘴边Don't know what I'm chasing hmm不知道我在追逐什么Could've done this本可以选择这样的方法Could've done that也可以选择那样的方法Could've done better本来有能力做得更好 不过未能如愿Would've gone mad当你心爱的一切令你难过时When what you love's just making you sad你会因此丧失理智【知识点讲解】 ↓   ………………………………

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