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英文巴士  · 公众号  ·  · 2023-02-20 23:57
1.新发展阶段new development stage例句:今天我们所处的新发展阶段,就是社会主义初级阶段中的一个阶段,同时是其中经过几十年积累、站到了新的起点上的一个阶段。译文:The new development stage we have now reached is just one part of the primary stage of socialism, but thanks to many decades of hard work, it is a period that marks a new starting point for us.2.新发展理念new development philosophy例句:新发展理念是一个系统的理论体系,回答了关于发展的目的、动力、方式、路径等一系列理论和实践问题,阐明了我们党关于发展的政治立场、价值导向、发展模式、发展道路等重大政治问题。译文:As a systematic framework, the new development philosophy addresses a series of theoretical and practical questions regarding our development goals, drivers, methods and pathways, and defines the key political parameters, including our stance, values, and mode ………………………………

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