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北外李晨:带儿子朗读英语儿歌"Work While You Work"

李晨老师教英文  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2018-05-07 02:23
↓↓↓无删减的父子对话录音↓↓↓Nigel,2010年7月出生,二年级小学生。上图摄于2017年6月。Work↗ While You Work↘Work↗ while you work↗,Play↗ while you play↘.This is the way→To be happy↗ and gay↘.Whatever you do↗,Do with your might↘;Things done by halves↗Are never done right↘.One thing at a time↗,And that done well↗,Is a very good rule↘,As many can tell↘.Moments are useless↘When trifled away↘;So work↗ while you work↗,And play↗ while you play↘.难点小结1、连读:while you, this is, trifled away;2、弱读:to be, and, at, as, can;3、语调:文中已用箭头作简明标示;4、生词:gay, might, halves, trifled;5、 /t/在英美音中的差异;6、【窍门】对于长期练习美音的学习者,在发Work中的元音时,如要想读出英音的那种不卷舌的发音,可 ………………………………

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