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砍价别说The price is too expensive,这是错的!

沪江英语  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-04-25 18:10
长按上方二维码,0元领取1v1口语礼包我们买东西一般都要砍价,嫌价钱贵,那用英语应该怎么说呢?你的答案是不是:The price is too expensive。看起来似乎没毛病,但其实这是错的!01“The price is too expensive”错在哪?price作为“价格、价钱”,一般用数字表示,只有高低之分。正确的说法是:The price is + high / low。而expensive和cheap不能用来形容价格,只能用来形容东西“贵”或“便宜”。所以觉得价格高想砍价可以说:The price is too / really high。例句:I think the price of the tickets is a bit too high.我认为门票的价格有点高。02与砍价有关的实用口语总结1. 表达价格太高That's too expensive. (这太贵了。)I can't afford that. (我买不起。)The price is too high. (价格太高了。)It's a bit too much. (有点贵。)2. 要求降价Can you give me a discount? (你能给我打折吗?)Can you lower the price? (你能降 ………………………………

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