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财经:金融监管全面加强丨New policies on financial discipline in pipeline

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2020-12-02 09:42
导读 近期,一行两会高层集体发声,将各类金融活动全面纳入依法监管范围,守住风险底线,把握好金融创新的边界,金融科技公司将面临特殊监管办法。“十四五”时期,中国仍将面临复杂的金融安全形势,影子银行、银行业不良资产、中小金融机构资本缺口和债务上升等风险需要持续关注。China plans to impose new measures to tighten financial discipline, prevent major risks and improve its financial structure in support of steady economic development, according to the central bank governor and financial regulators.Their articles, included in a recently published book, highlight key tasks for the next five years, such as the government's increased scrutiny of the financial sector to tackle credit defaults, curbing misconduct and encouraging financing through the equity market, exp ………………………………

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