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【EOS成神之路】大话DAPP:ITAM Games白皮书(二)——ITAM Games详述

NowGofree  · 简书  ·  · 2019-05-24 07:55


本篇文章包含了白皮书第二章的全部内容,从大方面介绍了ITAM Games努力打造的产品链,前两小节属于概述性内容,介绍了ITAM游戏的目标、理念及规划。3至8小节具体阐述了ITAM游戏开发的产品及其作用,9小节是对游戏社区的一个规划陈述。


2. ITAM游戏

2.1 ITAM游戏的使命和方向

如上所述,ITAM Games深知当前游戏行业的问题,并在过去一年中不断开发和实现我们的产品。当我们缩小团队假设的与现实发展之间的差距时,我们认为项目完成的不确定性已经减弱,我们ITAM Games打算撰写本白皮书,以告知我们的支持者我们将如何通过区块链技术为游戏用户和游戏开发者提供更好的体验和生态系统。


ITAM Games还将为游戏开发商提供合理,互利的区块链商店平台。游戏开发者将能够利用更快,更有利可图的协议和免费的解决方案,从而更容易将区块链技术应用到游戏中。

ITAM Games将继续改进,以便游戏开发者可以创建更多原创的区块链游戏,玩家可以享受更多游戏,最终创建一个透明的和不断发展的游戏生态系统。

为此,ITAM Games已经开发并正在开发以下服务和产品:


ITAM Games是一个区块链游戏平台,利用区块链技术为用户提供真正的数字资产所有权。作为服务提供商,我们认为让用户自主选择他们希望存储来之不易的数字资产和成就的区块链协议非常重要。

ITAM Games认为每个协议作为一条公链都有其独特的优势,作为服务提供商,我们认为现在是试验不同公链并让用户自己决定他们喜欢哪种协议的好时机。目前,我们已选择EOS MainNet作为第一个连接到ITAM Store的公共区块链协议,但在整个服务生命周期内,我们将为用户实施不同的协议。

图3. ITAM GAMES多协议层

图解:本图是ITAM GAMES的核心产品架构,由上到下分别是服务层,基础设施曾和协议层,服务层部署终端产品,作为用户使用产品的窗口,基础设施层是ITAM GAMES团队针对协议层开发的技术工具,用于连接服务和公链,协议层是已经存在的公链,可以看到目前已经实现EOS主链的一条龙服务,今后可以针对区块链2、区块链3进行技术工具的开发,从而让用户能够使用自己喜欢的公链来存储数字资产或使用其他功能。

2.3 ITAM商店

ITAM Store是一款拥有与Google Play商店和Apple App Store相似用户界面和用户体验的应用程序,允许用户查看、访问和参与ITAM游戏的手游列表。在ITAM商店,用户可以获取并显示他们的排名(排行榜),成就等,获得ITAM非虚拟代币(“ITAM NFT”),它们是游戏中的数字资产,玩家将拥有真正的所有权,并可以交易这些数字资产。

图 4. ITAM Store

2.4 ITAM钱包

ITAM商店有一个专门用于ITAM游戏的内置的区块链钱包,称为ITAM钱包,它将放置在用户的个性化区域内。使用ITAM钱包,用户可以轻松访问用户身份验证,并访问诸如令牌(ITAM令牌)和独特数字资产(ITAM NFT)等专有信息,用户可以轻松登录游戏而无需放置其私钥,与此同时还可以进行加密货币交易。为避免疑义,ITAM钱包不会持有任何法定货币。使用用户身份验证,例如指纹或密码身份验证,用户可以使用ITAM 钱包购买内置游戏内容购买、加密货币转账,锁定链上资源和/或ITAM令牌,以及查看/购买/出售所获得的独特数字资产。



如上所述,ITAM NFT是ITAM商店中游戏的不可替代的令牌标准,用于标记用户在游戏中获得的独特数字资产,例如项目,角色,成就,排名等。当通过ITAM软件开发工具包(“ITAM SDK”)创建独特的数字资产作为ITAM NFT时,其历史行为,例如注册,修改和删除,都将记录在区块链中,使用户拥有不可篡改的和拥有真正所有权的数字资产。ITAM NFT合约允许游戏开发者在他们的游戏或应用程序中创建“N”种数字资产。 ITAM NFT允许游戏和/或应用使用特殊符号来标记,并且可以在此符号下创建多个数字资产。


2.6 ITAM DADEX(数字资产去中心交易所)

ITAM DADEX是一种分散式服务,允许用户交易他们获得的ITAM NFT。区块链技术确保了ITAM NFT交易的可靠性,透明度和完整性。 ITAM DADEX将通过过滤功能提供用户友好的UI / UX服务,过滤功能能够根据游戏开发者的类型,价格,稀有度等进行排序。卖家还可以在指定价值系统或拍卖系统之间进行选择。交易完成后,独特数字资产的转移和交易中使用的ITAM令牌的转移将自动放入游戏的相应邮箱/包中。但是,根据政策,归类为赌博的游戏将不允许使用ITAM DADEX。

2.7 ITAM市场(区块浏览器)

目前,ITAM团队已经建立并正在运行EOS全节点,以便为我们的用户提供更好的服务。 此外,EOStock.io和EOScanner.io已经开发并且可供使用,其中包括ITAM游戏所需的基本功能。 凭借区块浏览器EOScanner.io的基础,ITAM.MARKET将允许任何人轻松透明地查看游戏中的成就,挑战,排名等,以及交易历史,智能合约以及更多ITAM NFT表单中的独特数字资产 。


2.8游戏用户中的ITAM NFT租赁

ITAM NFT是游戏中的数字资产,可以在游戏用户中借出或借用。贷款用户在ITAM商店中设置ITAM令牌中的租约期限和期望费用,其他用户可以在指定期间内查看和借用以在游戏中使用。这受到智能合约的保护,并在达到期限后返还给原持有者。

2.9 ITAM社区

游戏社区是一个能让用户与其他用户进行交流而不仅仅是游戏的地方。这是一种文化,用户将能够自愿创建和共享内容,例如游戏策略文章,游戏提示,错误报告和游戏操作建议,以及存在于游戏领域的特定角色的粉丝艺术(COSPLAY)。 ITAM社区将通过添加奖励计划来触发和扩展游戏社区,促使游戏用户自愿创建游戏内容和共享。这将是维持ITAM游戏生态系统增长和健康的重要因素。 ITAM社区主要分为三个社区。

2.9.1 ITAM主社区

这是一个汇集了平台范围的功能社区空间,如新闻,预购,游戏投票等。主社区将专注于信息传递,“预购”和“游戏投票”的结构如下。通过“预订”功能,用户可以先到先得,无限制地参与即将到来的游戏发布和/或大型更新。用户可以通过同意接收游戏发布的通知并完成由游戏开发者设定的某些任务来接收ITAM代币和/或预订游戏的数字资产的奖励。通过“游戏投票”功能,民主推荐的游戏将在名为ITAM Featured的空间上公布。投票权的设计与ITAM游戏的活动指数和ITAM令牌的锁定等因素成比例。


官方游戏社区是向游戏用户提供游戏信息的地方,例如公告,活动,开发者笔记和预定更新。除了为每个游戏提供的基本信息之外,“用户投票系统”鼓励积极参与游戏的用户,并且还向用户提供发表建议的渠道。 “用户投票系统”算法遵循相应的游戏贡献,并且将以各种方式测量影响其权重的因素。



这些社区中的每个参与者都是各种类型内容的创建者和消费者,但更具体地说,创作者在社区中扮演着更重要的角色,并且是行动的驱动力。然而,尽管他们对社区有很高的贡献,但除了社区内的人气或声誉外,他们不会获得任何奖励。因此,ITAM Games的开放社区将基于用户对游戏和社区的持续积极贡献,提供直接/间接和实际/象征性的奖励和权利。此外,我们的目标是发挥参与者主导的集体智慧最大作用,这是社区的核心属性。




2. ITAM Games

2.1 ITAM Games’ Mission and Direction

As mentioned above, ITAM Games is deeply aware of the issues on the current game industry and have continuously worked the past year in developing and realizing our products. As we reduced the gap between the hypothesis of the team and realistic development, we believe the uncertainty of project completion has diminished, and we at ITAM Games intend to write this white paper to inform our supporters on how we will provide better experiences and ecosystems for game users and game developers through blockchain technology.

Through the use of blockchain technology, we will onchain the leaderboards, achievements and challenges of games, which were not appealing to game users in 'games with centralized game servers' or 'client games without game servers,' to provide a fair and trusted game competition system and give value to the players’ gameplay. Also, the unique digital assets of the game users will be recorded on a public blockchain, user’s personal wallet, instead of being located only on a centralized server, which will make them more valuable and unique. This will allow the game user to have true ownership of the digital assets and enable secure trading with other users.

ITAM Games will also provide game developers with a rational, mutually beneficial blockchain store platform. Game developers will be able to take advantage of faster, more profitable settlements and free solutions that makes it easier to implement blockchain technology into games.

ITAM Games will continue to improve so that game developers can create more original blockchain games, and players can enjoy more games, ultimately creating a transparent and evolving game ecosystem.

To this end, ITAM Games has developed and is in the process of developing the following services and products:

2.2 Multi Blockchain service

ITAM Games is a blockchain gaming platform that utilizes blockchain technology to give true ownership of digital assets to users. As a service provider, we believe that it is important to give users the choice of which blockchain protocol they would like to store their hard-earned digital assets and achievements.  

ITAM Games believe each protocol has its own unique advantages as a chain, and as service provider, we believe it is a great time to experiment with different chains and let the users themselves decide which protocol they prefer. Currently, we have chosen the EOS MainNet to be the first public blockchain protocol to be connected to the ITAM Store, but throughout the service's lifetime we will be implementing different protocols for our users.

Figure 3. ITAM GAMES multiprotocol layer

2.3 ITAM Store

The ITAM Store is an app with similar UI and UX as the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store that allows users to view and access a list of mobile games that are participating on ITAM Games. On the ITAM Store, users can acquire and show their rankings (leaderboard), achievements, and more, acquire ITAM Non-Fungible Tokens (“ITAM NFT”)s, which are in-game digital assets, for true ownership and can also exchange these digital assets.   

Figure 4. ITAM Store

2.4 ITAM Wallet

The ITAM Store has a built-in blockchain wallet called ITAM Wallet specialized for ITAM Games, which will be in a personalized area for the users. With the ITAM Wallet, users can easily access user authentication, and access proprietary information such as tokens (ITAM Tokens) and unique digital assets (ITAM NFT), user can easily login into the games without putting their private key and make transaction of cryptocurrency. For the avoidance of doubt, ITAM Wallet will not hold any fiat currencies.Using user authentication, such as fingerprint or password authentication, the ITAM Wallet includes features such as game content in-app purchase and transmission of cryptocurrencies, staking of blockchain resources and/or ITAM Tokens, and viewing/buying/selling of acquired unique digital assets.

Figure 5. ITAM Wallet


As mentioned above, ITAM NFT is a non-fungible token standard for games on the ITAM Store, and tokenizes unique digital assets users acquire in-game, such as items, characters, achievements, rankings, etc. The unique digital assets are simultaneously created as ITAM NFT through the ITAM Software Development Kit (“ITAM SDK”) at the time of its creation, and the history of it, such as its registration, modification, and deletion, are all recorded on the blockchain, providing users with immutability and true ownership. The ITAM NFT contract allows game developers to create 'N' number of digital assets in their games or apps. ITAM NFT allows symbol unique keys of games and/or apps, and multiple digital assets can be created under one symbol.

*More info: https://github.com/itamgames/itamgames

2.6 ITAM DADEX (Digital Asset Decentralized Exchange)

ITAM DADEX is a decentralized service that allows user to trade their acquired ITAM NFTs. Blockchain technology ensures the reliability, transparency, and integrity of trading on ITAM NFTs. ITAM DADEX will provide user-friendly UI/UX services through filter functions that sort according to the game developer’s genre, price, rarity, etc. The seller may also select between a Designated Value System or an Auction System where the highest bidder for a certain duration wins the sale. Once a trading is made, the transfer of the unique digital asset and the transfer of the ITAM Token used in the trading are simultaneously and automatically placed into the appropriate mailbox/bag of the game. However, games classified as gambling are planned to be blocked on the ITAM DADEX by policy.  

Figure 6. ITAM Digital Asset Decentralized Exchange

2.7 ITAM Market (Block Explorer)

Currently, the ITAM Team has established and is operating an EOS Full Node in order to provide better service for our user. Moreover, EOStock.io and EOScanner.io, which include essential functions needed for ITAM Games, have already been developed and are currently available for use. With the foundation of the block explorer EOScanner.io, ITAM.MARKET will allow anyone to easily and transparently view in-game achievements, challenges, rankings, etc. as well as the trading history, smart contract, and more of the unique digital assets in ITAM NFT form.  


Figure 7. ITAM Market

2.8 ITAM NFT Leasing Amongst Game Users

ITAM NFT, the in-game digital assets, can be lent or borrowed amongst game users. The lending user sets the period of lease and the desired fee in ITAM Token on the ITAM Store, and other users can check and borrow for the designated period to use in-game. This is protected by the smart contract and is returned to the original owner once the period is reached.

2.9 ITAM Community

The Game Community is a space that provides users to socialize among other user in addition to gameplay. A culture in which users voluntarily create and share content, such as game strategy articles, game tips, bug reports, and game operation suggestions, and fan art of specific characters, exists in the gaming realm. The ITAM Community will trigger and expand the game community by adding reward programs to game users' voluntary game content creation and sharing. This will be an important factor in maintaining the growth and health of the ITAM Games’ ecosystem. ITAM Community is largely divided into three communities.

2.9.1 ITAM Main Community

This is a community space that aggregates platform-wide features such as news, pre-orders, game voting, etc. The Main Community will focus on information delivery, and "pre-order" and "game voting" will be structured as follows. With the "pre-order" feature, users can participate in the upcoming game launches and/or large updates on a first come, first served basis or without limitations. Users can receive rewards of ITAM tokens and/or digital assets of the pre-ordered games by agreeing to receive notifications of game releases and completing certain tasks set out by the game developer. With the “game voting” feature, the games that have democratically been recommended will be announced on a space called ITAM Featured. The voting power is designed in proportion to factors such as the activity index on ITAM Games and staking of ITAM Token.  

2.9.2 Official Game Community

The Official Game Community is a place that provides game information to the game users, such as announcements, events, developer’s notes, and scheduled updates. In addition to the basic information provided for each game, the "User Voting System" encourages active participation in the games, and also provides a democratic voice to the users. The "User Voting System" algorithm follows corresponding game contributions, and the factors that affect its power will be measured in various ways.

2.9.3 Open Community for Game Users

The game community is crucial in the long-term success of a game from a business perspective. A well-established and self-sustaining gaming community enables the gamer to engage in constant and zealous gameplay, leading to positive revenues for game developers and publishers.

Each participant in these communities is a creator and consumer of various types of content, but the creators, more specifically, have a greater role in the community and are the driving forces of action. However, although they have high contributions to the community, they do not receive compensation other than mere popularity or reputation within the community. Thus, ITAM Games' Open Community provides direct/indirect and actual/symbolic rewards and rights based on the user’s continuous active contribution to the game and community. In addition, we aim to maximize the effects of participant-led,collective intelligence, which are the core attributes of communities.

In implementing this, we will have a community formation policy that’s voluntarily created and managed by the game users, rather than a single or few community policies designated and managed by the game developers. As of now, it can be thought that there will be as many communities created as the number of users. However, the quality of the content produced and shared on a specific community will lead to the shift and movement of users onto that community, and these high-quality content and communities will be rewarded.

In operating a community, it takes time and effort to manage the various disputes, profanities, and advertisements within the community, as well as the creation and sharing of content. Thus, well-established communities can be operated as an independent community without having to rely on external sponsors such as ads or support from the game developer. Moreover, game developers can expect an ecosystem in which the cost of human labor in managing a community is mitigated and every participant benefit.



ITAM Telegram:https://t.me/itamgames

ITAM 媒体:https://medium.com/itam

ITAM Twitter:https:twitter.com/itamgames

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