专栏名称: 英文巴士
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英文巴士  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-01-09 23:57
NB: This may not be a word-for-word transcript.Why This Luxury Candle Costs $660Narrator: This massive Trudon candle will set you back $660. Sylvie uses this contraption to make sure each of the five wicks is perfectly straight as she fills the glass container with specially formulated wax.Christine Agin: The more the wick is straight and centered, the more perfect the burn will be. Narrator: That’s why Christine will spend the 2 ½ hours it takes to straighten 3,000 wicks on these smaller candles by hand. And while these cost less than the five-wick candle, at $52 each, they’re still more than three times the price of a $17 Yankee candle of similar size.Every step of the process at Trudon’s candle factory in Normandy, France, has been honed over 350 years to create candles that burn evenly, smoke-free, and don’t sputter. So, what made these candles good enough for Marie Antoinette? And why are they so expensive?Trudon goes back to 1643, and back then, its products served an ………………………………

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