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考研英语外刊阅读  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-04-21 18:54
点击上方蓝字关注我们En 今日单词  ,今日毕此时不背,更待何时★deplete英 [dɪˈpliːt]  美 [dɪˈpliːt] 英汉释义vt. 耗尽,用尽;使衰竭,使空虚[ 第三人称单数 depletes 现在分词 depleting 过去式 depleted 过去分词 depleted ]英英释义1. V-T To deplete a stock or amount of something means to reduce it. 消耗 [正式]例:...substances that deplete the ozone layer.…消耗臭氧层的物质。2. depleted ADJ 耗尽的例:...Lee's worn and depleted army.…李的精疲力竭的军队。图片记忆词根词缀1.词根词缀:de-【来源及含义】Latin: from, away from, off; down; wholly, entirely, utterly, complete; reverse the action of, undo; the negation or reversal of the notion expressed in the primary or root word【同源单词】de die in diem, de facto, De gustibus non est disputandum, de jure, De minimis non curat praetor, De mortuis nihil nisi bonum2.词根词缀:ple-, pleini-, plen-, plet ………………………………

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