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词为我用 - avid

b5438e0615f9  · 简书  ·  · 2021-02-18 22:30


avid UK  /ˈæv.ɪd/ US  /ˈæv.ɪd/ TEM8  IELTS  GRE

1. You use avid to describe someone who is very enthusiastic about something that they do.热衷的,着迷的,酷爱的

2. If you say that someone is avid for something, you mean that they are very eager to get it.渴望的,急切的


1. By the time I arrived in Nice, the picnic on the beach had been called off, but I was soon absorbed into the extended family of this pair of single mothers and avid social networkers.(The Guardian - Travel)

2. Even as an avid reader who loves books and the beauty of fictional worlds, sometimes even I get bored and can't concentrate on the book I'm trying to get through.(The Guardian)

3. Matters are probably exacerbated by the fact the rest of the family are avid readers.(The Guardian - Lifestyle)

4. Or that Scotland, avid participant for over two centuries in the splendour and folly of empire, as the opulent houses near Glasgow and the Indian cemeteries full of young Campbells attest, should now wish to disown its senior partner.(The Guardian - Opinion)

5. In case you haven't heard of Bachman, she's an American TV personality from Minnesota who is an avid hunter.(The Guardian - Opinion)

6. It is not the stuff of conspiracy theories to assume that some avid supporters of a European federal state wished for this very scenario all along: they knew the euro would not work and thus necessarily lead to "more Europe".(The Guardian - Opinion)

7. STAMPY CAT iOS/Android - FREE Millions of children are avid viewers of the Minecraft videos of Stampy, aka British YouTuber Joseph Garrett.(The Guardian - Tech)

8. How then to explain the fact that, per capita, more Australians now go cruising than Americans, once the world's most avid mariners?(

The Guardian - Travel)

9. When his ageing knees gave up on him, Marr, an avid runner, had installed a rowing machine.(The Guardian)


avid believer, collector, fan, fisherman, gardener, interest, listener, reader, sailor, sportsman, sportswoman, supporter, traveller, user, viewer


"eager; greedy," 1769, from French avide (15c.), from Latin avidus "longing eagerly, desirous, greedy," from avere "to desire eagerly" (see avarice). Also in part a back-formation from avidity. Related: Avidly.


acquisitive, avaricious, coveting, covetous, grabby, grasping, greedy, mercenary, moneygrubbing, rapacious, enthusiastic, keen, eager


apathetic, indifferent, uneager, unenthusiastic

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