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ECO中文网  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-10-02 14:29
TRACY BORMAN can tell a good story.Admittedly, her subject is a gift. But Henrietta Howard, mistress to George II,lived in the midst of a large cast of characters, many of them entangled in the complicated politics of 18th-century court life, and Ms Borman handles them and their world with aplomb. 特蕾西•博尔曼(TracyBorman)是一位讲故事的能手,这一主题对她而言也的确是小菜一碟。然而,亨丽埃塔•霍华德(Henrietta Howard)毕竟是乔治二世的情妇,生活周遭的人形形色色,很多人都陷于18世纪英国宫廷的明争暗斗之中,对这些人和他们的生活,博尔曼竟也拿捏得泰然自若。 Though the 18th century is called the Age of Reason, it was anything but. Henrietta was born in 1689, a year after the balance of power in Britain shifted from monarch to Parliament. But this did nothing to shift the ………………………………

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