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【Economist】The Belt and Road Initiative:From the party,with love

新英文外刊  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-09-13 08:58
中文导读由中、英、美多国电影人合作拍摄的全球首部“一带一路”记录片《共同命运》于8月30日在全国公映。该影片通过“一带一路”沿线国家一个个普通人的视角,解读了中国与世界休戚与共、命运相连的故事。影片中五个追逐梦想的故事,串起了一个大爱的世界,更让人深刻体会到“一带一路”的伟大。The flop of the Belt and Road film“Please don’t take it as a propaganda movie,” urges an employee from the Chinese entertainment company behind “Common Destiny”, the world’s first film featuring China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), a global infrastructure-building scheme. That is a tall order. State media openly admit that the film, which had a nationwide première on August 30th amid much hype, received “major backing” from the government. It bears onl ………………………………

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