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The times you were offered a helping hand | Chitchat

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2018-03-19 16:36
CHINADAILYClick to follow usIn last week's chitchat, we discussed those memorable moments when a stranger has offered to lend a helping hand. Whether it's lifting heavy luggage, giving some spare change or offering something as simple as a smile, often it's the small acts of kindness that make more of an impression than some grand, overblown gesture. Sometimes we don't even get the chance to express our gratitude, but our benefactors can rest easy knowing that we will pay the kindness forward. @ 灰白To the best of my memory, I got lost on the subway the first time I went to university, because I'd never taken the subway before. At the time I cried, then suddenly a friendly older person who was waiting for a train asked me what was wrong. l hesitated to explain, but after I did, she carefully told me how to get to my university. To be honest, l was moved by that stranger. ………………………………

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