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炸掉西兰花  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-01-20 21:29
课程导读常言道,胜败乃兵家常事,在体育竞技场上,尤其如此。作为一名“冰娃家长”,作者从儿子打冰球比赛的历练中领悟了一个道理:失败也是很好的成长教育。作者是怎么获得这个领悟的呢?失败究竟可以让孩子们学到什么?英文原文What Kids Can Learn From Losing By Rich Cohen Everyone wants what’s best for their kid, but no one knows what that is. It might be succeeding, but it might be failing. It might be winning, but it might be losing. I’ve relearned this truth as a member of that most pitied and envied of species, the hockey parent, while watching my son ascend from Mite to Bantam, House League to Travel. In his third season in 2013, my son’s team never lost more than three straight games. It was a typically good youth hockey season. He improved as a player but did not much cha ………………………………

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