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暖心!近四万包卫生巾运抵武汉前线 | Women's special needs cannot be skirted

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2020-02-19 16:00
On Tuesday evening, nearly 40,000 packages of sanitary towels reached Wuhan, the city at the epicenter of the novel coronavirus outbreak. They had been dispatched by the China Women's Development Foundation and will soon be distributed among female medical personnel fighting the epidemic there.According to a popular Chinese saying, women "shoulder half the sky". In the fight against the novel coronavirus, too, they are shouldering more than that as nurses and doctors.According to the Shanghai Women's Federation, over 50 percent of doctors and over 90 percent of nurses from Shanghai who are assisting their Wuhan counterparts are women. The Shandong Provincial Women's Federation said more than 60 percent of the medical personnel who went to help Wuhan from their province are women.All these women have left their homes and comforts behind to fight the epidemic and save lives. But an ………………………………

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