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王嘉雯 | Philosophy in logos

中山大学博雅学院  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-06-07 09:00
按语:       “爱智杯”征文比赛是北京大学哲学系的传统学术活动。第26届“爱智杯”全国征文比赛围绕“学以成人”的主题,着重开拓人的多重维度,并探究人类面临的各种挑战。       本文是中山大学博雅学院14级本科生王嘉雯提交的参赛论文,在该征文比赛中获得二等奖。Philosophy in logos: education and poiēsis in Plato’s Symposium王嘉雯Abstract: The identities of natural Philosophers and traditional educators seem against each other. So how does Socrates connect pederasty as a customary way of education and philosophy? This essay is not in a strict sense a philosophical investigation on the Symposium; it is philosophical as well as literary. What I am particularly interested is logos as different media of expression and its nature. In the first section, with a careful an ………………………………

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