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Editorial丨Regulating low-speed EVs for road safety

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2024-01-02 15:55
Starting from Monday, the first day of 2024, the Beijing government has banned illegal electric three-wheelers and four-wheelers in the capital city.▲ An electric three-wheeler is driven on a street in Beijing's Haidian district last month. NIU YUNGANG/FOR CHINA DAILYFor long there were loopholes in the regulatory mechanism of such vehicles. Most of these vehicles are of lower safety standards, making them vulnerable in accidents.To make matters worse, because of ambiguities in the regulatory mechanism, many users of such vehicles simply drive them on the road without applying for registration. That means the law enforcement departments have little means to regulate these vehicles when they break traffic rules. And these vehicles were even exempted from paying parking fees.In 2022 alone, such vehicles were involved in 131 fatal accidents in Beijing, claiming 138 lives.That's why the traffic regulatory departments in Beijing issued a directive last year that has finally come into effe ………………………………

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