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【Smart City】Strategic Planning

德勤Deloitte  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-01-08 18:00
Clare Ma, Deloitte China Public Sector Leader, provides the insights of smart cities strategic planning, watch the video immediately!The idea of 'Smart city' is about looking at cities from a new angle, developing cities with a new mind set, and extending on the construction of digital cities. It bears great significance for urban planning, management, operations and long-term development. In the early stages of smart city development in China, issues such as scattered design and autonomous administration led to the emergence of data silos and duplication in IT infrastructure. As smart city development in the past did not see the fulfilment of people and social needs as its ultimate goal, there arose a mismatch in expectations from the outset. Additionally, the creation of smart cities is a multidimensional and systematic project, which requires a high-degree of interconnec ………………………………

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