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【Deloitte with B&R】Issue 10: Opportunities in the Power Sector

德勤Deloitte  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-05-22 17:18
In last issue's 'Deloitte with B&R', we explored how MNCs will play a key role in development under the Belt & Road Initiative. International cooperation in the power sector is bound to be an important area of development. In that context, what kind of development opportunities will the power sector meet along the B&R?In this issue, we introduce Mrs. Marylee Ma, E&R BD Lead Partner, to analyze these remarkable growth opportunities."Belt & Road" construction will bring unprecedented development opportunities for the power sectorPower consumption in developing countries along the "Belt & Road" is very low, but set fair to increase as economic development continues to accelerate. Supported by the B&R Initiative, China's power development, construction and equipment manufacturing companies are already devoting themselves to these markets and several have achieved strong result ………………………………

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