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聚艺集团  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-01-10 18:28
玻璃陨石顾名思义就是外形与玻璃相似的陨石。是石陨石一种,系石英质的陨石,在进入大气层后熔融,坠地后又快速冷凝,颜色有黑、墨绿、棕褐,表层具拉长状气泡及大小不等的圆形气泡,有的似如月球表面的环形山状图案。中国古代曾称它为“雷公墨”。(Glass meteorites, as the name implies, are meteorites with a similar shape to glass. It is a kind of quartz stone, which is a quartz stone. It melts after entering the atmosphere. It condenses quickly after falling to the ground. The color is black, dark green, brown, and the surface has elongated bubbles and circular bubbles of different sizes. It looks like a circular mountain pattern on the surface of the moon. In ancient China, it was called "Le Gong ink.")玻璃陨石为半透明的玻璃质体,有微弱磁性,颜色为墨绿色 ………………………………

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