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中国日报双语新闻  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-02-02 11:44
2月2日是北方小年,盼望着,盼望着,农历春节终于拉开序幕。     近年来,随着中国文化的不断输出,很多外国人也“盯”上了春节。春节期间,全球多地都能看到满满的中国元素。在德国的迪特福特小镇,每年2月,他们都会隆重地庆祝“中国狂欢节”,舞龙舞狮、灯笼花车等随处可见的元素,让这个小镇成了“中国城”。Every February in the town of Dietfurt in Germany, residents celebrate a "Chinese Carnival" in a grand manner. Chinese elements such as dragon and lion dances, lanterns, and floats can be seen everywhere, making the town look like a Chinatown.一些居民会穿着中国清朝服装,甚至装扮成皇帝宣读圣旨、参与巡游……Some residents dress in Qing Dynasty costumes, and some even dress up as emperors to read imperial edicts and participate in parades...▲迪特福特当地居民庆祝中国春节 图源:澎湃新闻          在南 ………………………………

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