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《中欧非遗》 第二集荷兰篇 | 荷兰代尔夫特蓝陶

CGTN  · 公众号  ·  · 2023-02-08 21:58
在约400年的时间里,荷兰城市代尔夫特一直在用黏土制造奇迹。受从中国进口的瓷器的启发,这里的制陶师们很快开始制作自己的青花瓷。现在,皇家代尔夫特是该城市仅剩的一家工厂了。For around 400 years, the Dutch city of Delft has been doing wondrous things with clay. Delftware designs initially imitated Chinese ceramics, but soon the potters started making their own blue and white ceramics, and over time decorative scenes became more Dutch. Mills, ships, and the city of Delft became very popular.推荐阅读:《中欧非遗》第二集中国篇 | 景德镇青花瓷《中欧非遗》第二集 | 中国瓷器如何影响欧洲陶瓷业