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How Long Is Too Long To Leave Your Cat at Home Alone? | Newsweek

新英文外刊  · 公众号  ·  · 2023-12-09 08:30
A feline training and behavior expert has told Newsweek how long you can leave a pet cat alone at home.NewsweekCatNovember 25 , 2023 | 684 words | ★★★☆☆Most owners don't like to leave their dogs alone for too long. Cat owners, however, generally give the issue less thought—after all, cats are known for their independence.However, their owners should be thinking about it, a feline behavioral expert has told Newsweek. Despite the stereotype about their supposedly aloof nature, there is a limit to the length of time cats can spend at home alone.Stephen Quandt, a cat trainer certified through the Animal Behavior Institute, said that this varied depending on the "cat's age, temperament, and medical history."Quandt, who went on to found his own firm, Stephen Quandt Feline Behavior Associates, said that owners thinking of leaving their cats alone for longer than overnight need to consider their feeding schedule. He himself makes sure that his cats are fed on time and advises his c ………………………………

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