专栏名称: 何凯文考研英语
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何凯文考研英语  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2022-12-05 23:58
到现在才明白,人多了,什么想法都有,要统一这么多人,真的太难了,更加理解了:国家给什么政策我都支持!你们怎么看?今天的句子:In the U.S., birthright citizenship begins here, in the struggles of the marginalized and the despised to make this nation their own even as so many claimed that when it came to rights, it was a white man’s country. Most notorious among such denials of black citizenship was the U.S. Supreme Court’s 1857 decision in Scott v. Sandford, often referred to as the Dred Scott case.思考题:What can we learn from the passage?(A) The Supreme Court overturned the denials of black citizenship in 1857.(B) The birthright citizenship originated from the fight of the underprivileged.(C) The decision of the Supreme Court denied the birthright citizenship.(D) The birthright citizenship begins with the white man’s country感谢参与投票:词汇突破:1.the marginalized 社会边缘人群2.the despised 被 ………………………………

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