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中国日报双语新闻  · 公众号  ·  · 2022-05-20 10:04
18日晚,天津市教育招生考试院发布《关于调整天津市2022年春季高考考试时间及防疫要求的通知》。天津市2022年春季高考(面向普通高中毕业生、面向中职毕业生)将调整到6月12日举行。The Tianjin Educational Admission and Examination Authority has postponed the spring college entrance exam due to the COVID-19 epidemic, according to a statement released by the authority on Wednesday.The examination, originally scheduled for March 19, was planned to be postponed to May 21 but now has been pushed back to June 12, the authority said.防疫要求如下,滑动查看↓为积极应对当前疫情防控形势,抓细抓实各项疫情防控措施,巩固来之不易的防控成果,保障广大考生生命安全和身体健康,确保考试顺利进行,根据我市最新疫情防控工作要求部署,市高招办再次提醒各位考生做好如下事项。1.考生须严格遵守我市疫情防控的各项 ………………………………

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