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【英】 Bad Habits of UI\/UX Designers

前端早读课  · 公众号  · 前端  · 2019-01-11 05:55
前言昨日这篇学习英文实战【第1502期】An English Guide for Programmers -专为程序员编写的英语学习指南。有Get到吗?今日英文来自@Lance Ng分享。英文从这开始~~From creating imaginary users to forgetting about budgets, the design process has some flawsRecently, I was pulled into a UI/UX meeting with a big regional bank’s internal team and IT vendor. The bank had hired a whole army of UI/UX designers to revamp both internal and client-facing systems. The senior team members were paid five-figure salaries a month and given senior vice president titles.It was bizarre and almost illogical how they went about their UI/UX design process. Out of that meeting came a few revelations I just had to share.Creating Imaginary Personas Instead of Asking Real UsersWhy do some UX designers create imaginary “personas” to determine requirements wh ………………………………

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