专栏名称: 饥饿英语
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饥饿英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2017-06-28 19:40
敲黑板~      一页纸搞懂雅思有可能见到的倒装1.表强调2.增加句子变化倒装的作用1 not only 放在句首的时候,需要倒装 例句过分工作不仅导致压力, 也会影响工作能力(productivity)。原型Overwork not only causes stress but also reduces productivity.倒装Not only does overwork cause stress but it also reduces productivity. 2 当only+状语放在句首的时候, 句子需要倒装例句只有有学生贷款的情况下,贫穷的学生才可以接受大学教育原型The government can help students of low socio-economic status receive high education by issuing loans to students.错误Only issuing loans to students, can students of low socio-economic status receive high education.只有状语才能倒装正确Only by issuing loans to students, can the government help students of low socio-economic status receive ………………………………

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