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China Legal Science 2024年第2期 | 对外直接投资补贴规制研究

中国法学  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-04-02 10:55
RESEARCH ON THE REGULATION OF OUTWARD FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT SUBSIDIESHuang KeerI. INTRODUCTIONConcerns about subsidies in international economic activities have long been recognized. Subsidies, as one of the most crucial economic incentives, play a crucial role in addressing market failures, promoting specific sectors, and reducing regional disparities. However, the excessive or inappropriate use of subsidies can lead to adverse effects. Today, it is hardly disputable that limitations on subsidization should be set against the backdrop of economic globalization where production occurs in global value chains (GVCs); meanwhile, countervailing measures should be carefully considered to avoid clutching the ‘visible hand’ inappropriately, especially when subsidies playing a crucial role in pursuing public objectives. However, the development of the regulatory framework for subsidies and countervailing measures is less certain. With growing discontent about the WTO subsidy disciplin ………………………………

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