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日本社会的不平等 一份稳定的工作有多重要?(上)

每日双语经济学人  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-02-24 06:25
Inequality in Japan The secure vs the poor日本社会的不平等,稳定工作者与穷人The problem is not the super-rich.问题不在于巨富之人。IN THOMAS PIKETTY'S bestseller, “Capital in the Twenty-First Century”, Japan appears as another rich country in which wealth is becoming ever more concentrated.在托马斯·皮克提的畅销书《21世纪资本论》中,日本作为一个财富正在变得越来越集中的富有国家出现。It is certainly another rich country in which the book is selling well.当然,它也是又一个畅销此书的富有国家。Mr Piketty visited Tokyo this month, to a rapturous reception.本月,皮克提先生应盛情邀请访问了东京。Yet Japan may be the place where his thesis holds up least well.然而日本还是一个对他在本书中的思想最不追捧的国家。The bursting of Japan's asset bubble in ………………………………

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