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CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2021-10-08 16:38
导读 10月6日,中国驻美国大使秦刚应邀在线出席“旅游和人文交流”主题论坛开幕式并发表主旨演讲。在演讲中,秦大使以图文并茂的方式和生动风趣的语言,结合当下中国流行的七个“热词”,向美国公众介绍了中国的最新发展情况和中国人的精神面貌,一起来看看这些流行语。From "people first" and "heroes in harm's way" to "involution", Chinese Ambassador to the United States Qin Gang shared popular buzzwords to explain to people in the US the profound changes in China as he encouraged them to visit the country once the pandemic is over.Speaking online during the "US-China Regional Dialogue Series: Hospitality, Tourism and Cultural Exchange", Qin said that tourism, hospitality and cultural exchanges between China and the US are the foundations of mutual understanding and help people f ………………………………

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