专栏名称: 狗狗币
狗狗币超话主持人 玛雅idgui.com,巴比特版主,BTCALL.org发起人,请加微信:Bite酱、BTCALL,圈BiQan.com
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早已知,不必远虑。“This is something I've-20190718153048

狗狗币  · 微博  ·  · 2019-07-18 15:30
2019-07-18 15:30 本条微博链接 早已知,不必远虑。“This is something I've know since when I proposed merged mining to the Dogecoin community. It's hard to know so far into the future, so I didn't put much thought into it then. And still too far into the future to really be concerned.” 查看图片 莱特币超话LTCC创始人李启威AMA:减半在即,行情却结束了? 正在链节点@ChainNode链节点 (原巴 ………………………………

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