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GSB播客|Think Fast, Talk Smart - 7: 在虚拟会议上发言的技巧

斯坦福商学院  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-11-28 09:00
我们经常会遇到这样的情况:你有某些很重要的观点需要与大家分享,但却不知道应该如何表达自己的想法。在本期播客节目中,主持人Matt Abrahams通过转述、提问或发表感想的方式提供了三种表达自己观点的方式。他还概述了“What, So What, Now What”的演讲结构,并解释了如何使用此结构更有效地传达自己的想法。以下为本期播客的文字整理稿:Matt Abrahams: We’ve all been in the situation where you have something important to contribute to a meeting or a presentation and you just don’t know how to insert your thoughts. How do I get my idea out there? And once I do, how do I make it clear and concise?Today, I will explore specific techniques and tips you can use to be more effective when you need to contribute your ideas in a presentation or a meeting. My name is Matt ………………………………

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