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中国日报双语新闻  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-03-28 18:00
近日,南昌大学赣剧艺术鉴赏课在网络上迅速走红。国家非物质文化遗产(赣剧)传承人、国家一级演员陈俐在课上“耍花枪”、“挥水袖”的现场视频爆火出圈。不少网友对此表示,“狠狠羡慕这个班的学生了”“好想去蹭课”。An optional college course named "Appreciation of the Jiangxi Opera" ‍has been taught in a packed house recently at Nanchang University in East China's Jiangxi province due to the professor's innovative way of teaching — putting on actual opera performances in her classrooms.与其他氛围严肃的课堂不同,陈俐这学期开设的赣剧艺术鉴赏课上经常传来掌声和惊呼声。在讲到经典剧目时,陈俐会换上戏服,展示戏曲中折扇、水袖和枪的运用,以更鲜活的方式将剧中的角色带进课堂。Waving water sleeves, and spinning folding fans while wearing traditional makeup and costumes, Chen Li, the instructor of this course, di ………………………………

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