专栏名称: Economist
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Economist  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-03-05 12:08
The second doubt is over the relevance of SARS as a comparison. The global economy has changed since 2003, when SARS struck. China now accounts for 16% of global GDP, up from 4% back then. And it is the world's second-biggest importer, so any weakness, however temporary, is felt far and wide. Already, some of its firms are trying to get out of contractual commitments to import copper and liquefied natural gas. And its tourists, who spend $250bn a year on overseas travel, are staying at home.第二个不确定的是非典是否有相关比较意义。自2003年非典疫情以来,全球经济发生了很大的变化。中国目前占全球GDP的16%,高于当时的4%。而且现在中国是世界第二大进口国,因此任何的经济疲软,无论多么短暂,其影响都将很深远。目前已有一些中国的公司在试图解除进口铜和液化天然气的合同。 ………………………………

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