专栏名称: 精彩英文演讲
One Speech A Day Can Change Your Life. 每天聆听一个英文演讲,让你的生命与众不同!
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精彩英文演讲  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-05-19 11:59
展开 function _typeof(e){ return e&&"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&e.constructor===Symbol?"symbol":typeof e; } !function(e){ if("object"===("undefined"==typeof module?"undefined":_typeof(module)))module.exports=e;else{ if(window.__second_open__)return; var t="The BEST Things in Life are on the Other Side of FEAR"; t?e(t,!0):e("The BEST Things in Life are on the Other Side of FEAR"); } window.__setDesc=e; }(function(e,t){ function a(e,t){ var a=e.match(new RegExp(t+"\\s*=\\s*[\"']?([^\"'\\s>]+)[\"']?")); return a&&a[1]; } function n(e){ e=e.split(/(]*>)(.*?)()/); for(var t,n=0;n