专栏名称: 比尔盖茨
比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)唯一官方公众号,分享他见过的人、读过的书和学到的功课,内容包括全球健康、能源创新、教育改革和读书笔记等。
今天看啥  ›  专栏  ›  比尔盖茨

不要让令人沮丧的头条新闻掩盖我们在应对气候变化方面所取得的进步 | 盖茨笔记

比尔盖茨  · 公众号  · 科技自媒体  · 2023-11-15 18:00
Between wildfires, floods, and other disasters, climate change is in the news nearly every day. And it will get even more attention late this month as we approach COP, the United Nations’ annual global meeting on climate change.在野火、洪水以及其他灾害不断发生之际,气候变化几乎每天都成为新闻的一部分。随着本月末联合国气候峰会(COP)的临近,这一话题将得到更多的关注。▲ 今年夏天,来自极端季风季节的创纪录高水位导致新德里遭受洪水侵袭。(法新社/盖蒂图片社)I hope you take a positive message away from COP, because there are more reasons to be hopeful than many people realize—and it’s not just that renewable energy sources like wind and solar are getting cheaper. And it’s not just because many of the steps already taken to reduce carbon emissions are working: Carbon emissions from fossil fuels will probably peak in 2025.我希望你们从COP上得到积极的信息,因为 ………………………………

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