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汤不乐  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-11-20 08:30
uzki (Chinese: 兔斯基; Korean: 투즈키; Japanese: ツヅキ) is a popular illustrated bunny character, created by Momo Wang, when she was an undergraduate at the Beijing Broadcasting Institute. Featured in a variety of emoticons, her character has become popular with QQ and MSN users. Nowadays Tuzki has extended his emoticon popularity to different major messaging app platforms including WeChat, KakaoTalk, Facebook and VNG Corporation's Zalo.挂羊头与卖狗肉(开胃小菜)自从Mahua影视牺牲之后,很多人都在苦苦寻找下一个。最近出来一个比较好用的追剧APP----楠瓜影视。不过她是经过一番包装的,APP Store搜索“历史天天听”,下载好后进入软件,点击登录,账号输入“南瓜”二字(不能输入中文可以从别处复制过来),软件会自动跳转。这时候,还不能正常 ………………………………

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