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英语句子中的in which和for which应该如何理解?

英文悦读  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2024-05-14 11:00
60天口语社群有同学提到了一个定语从句:One trend we're noticing with nearly all age groups is the growing popularity of holidays in which clients do some kind of specialised activity.句子中in which应该如何理解?这其实是定语从句中一个很常见的知识点:介词前置。上面的句子可以拆为两个分句:(1) One trend we're noticing with nearly all age groups is the growing popularity of holidays. (2) Clients do some kind of specialised activity in holidays. 这两个句子合并为一个,就变成:One trend we're noticing…the growing popularity of holidays which clients do some kind of specialised activity in. 以前的语法学家认为,介词不能放在句子最后面,因此人们通常将介词提前,句子就变成了:One trend we're noticing…holidays in which clients… 其中which指代holidays又比如有这么一个外刊句子:The aim of letting the world warm no more than 1.5°C, agreed on in Paris six years ………………………………

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