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“超2亿人单身”上热搜,“悦己”消费成新时尚丨Industries adapting to 'singles economy'

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2021-04-19 16:14
导读 在中国,目前已有超过两亿人单身。一人食、一人住、一人行已成为一股新的消费势力。数据显示,在一线城市,40%左右的单身青年都处于“月光”的生活状态;四五线城市的单身年轻人中,“月光”人群所占比例高达76%。“工资都去哪儿了”成了单身青年的日常拷问。尼尔森发布的数据显示,42%的单身消费者为“悦己”而消费,而非单身消费者这一占比只有27%。They might be perceived as lonely in popular culture, but single people have become a major economic force, with enormous purchasing power. Data released by the Nielsen company shows 42 percent of singles spend more money on self-indulgence, compared to 27 percent of non-single consumers, according to a report from CCTV.Another report says 40 percent of singles in first-tier cities are living pay ………………………………

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