专栏名称: 何凯文考研英语
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何凯文考研英语  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-09-13 22:59
长按下面二维码,关注我的微博:何凯文  (13:30 到14:40 我们不见不散!)今天的题目:At the same time, the policy addresses none of the truly thorny questions about homework. If the district finds homework to be unimportant to its students’ academic achievement, it should move to reduce or eliminate the assignments, not make them count for almost nothing. Conversely, if homework matters,  it should account for a significant portion of the grade. Meanwhile, this policy does nothing to ensure that the homework students receive is meaningful or appropriate to their age and the subject, or that teachers are not assigning more than they are willing to review and correct. 24. As mentioned in Paragraph 4 a key question unanswered about homework is_____.  [A] it should be eliminated [B] it counts much in schooling [C] it places extra burdens ………………………………

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