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Living in China has been a transformative experience丨CD Voice

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2021-01-16 14:49
For those fortunate enough to go to college, the experience is very often one that brings profound changes. Young people's minds are expanded. They meet people they may never have otherwise met, and they do a lot of growing up as they get their first real taste of adult life. 对于那些有幸上大学的人来说,这种经历常常会带来深刻的变化。年轻人的思想会得到扩展。他们会结识以前可能从未见过的人,并且在第一次体验到成年人的生活后,会得到很大的成长。When I started my bachelor's degree at the University of Georgia, in the United States, I was a small-town kid with a lot of curiosity. Just over four years later, I was in some ways a different person. I spoke a second language, had lived abroad and was more worldly — but still with a lot left to learn.当我开始在美国佐治亚大学攻读学士学位时 ………………………………

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