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那个只有三撮毛的孩子85岁了,他仍散发着勇敢善良乐观的光丨Weekend Where to Go

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2021-01-16 14:49
On July 28, 1935, readers of Pictures and Morning Post saw a new comic series drawn by an artist named Zhang Leping. 1935年7月28日这天,上海《图画晨报》的读者们在连载区看到了一组新的漫画,作者叫张乐平。Titled Sanmao, the comics depicted the enjoyable life of the eponymous Shanghai boy with only three locks of hair. 漫画围绕着一个只有三撮毛、名叫三毛的小男孩展开,风趣,充满生活气息。Sanmao was clever, playful and naughty. For example, in one strip named Revival, Sanmao found an early photo of his bald father in which he had thick hair. While his father was asleep, Sanmao painted his bared head black.三毛聪明、活泼又淘气。比如在这幅《回复青春》的漫画中,三毛看到光头爸爸年轻时候的照片里头发浓密,于是趁着爸爸睡着的时候,他用毛笔给爸爸光溜溜 ………………………………

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