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GSB播客|Think Fast, Talk Smart - 2: 如何更好地塑造自己在他人心目中的形象

斯坦福商学院  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-11-05 09:35
他人如何亲自或通过社交媒体看待我们会影响到我们的职业和社会地位。但是我们可以通过有意识的沟通来塑造自己想要的个人形象。在本期播客节目中,战略传播学讲师Matt Abrahams和Allison D. Kluger一起与大家分享了如何有效塑造和改善自身形象的技巧。以下为本期播客的文字整理稿:Matt Abrahams: For many of us, thinking about how others see us preoccupies a lot of our time. And these thoughts certainly can increase our anxiety. But exactly what is our reputation, and how do we manage it?Welcome to Think Fast, Talk Smart, the Podcast. I’m Matt Abrahams. I teach strategic communication at Stanford’s Graduate School of Business. I’m thrilled to have my colleague and fellow GSB lecturer Allison Kluger here with me to help better explain what actions we can take to communicate the reput ………………………………

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