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爱驻我心 | 装满吻的盒子

可可英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2020-04-07 19:09
【新朋友】点击标题下面蓝字【可可英语】加关注【老朋友】点击手机右上角图标【转发分享】内容Once upon a time, a man punished his 5-year-old daughter for using up the family’s only roll of expensive gold wrapping paper.从前,一位父亲惩罚了自己5岁的女儿,因为她用光了家里仅有的一卷昂贵的金色包装纸。Money was tight, and he became even more upset when on Christmas Eve, he saw that the child had pasted the gold paper so as to decorate a shoebox to put under the Christmas tree.家中用钱紧张,在圣诞节前夜,父亲变得更加心烦意乱,他看到了圣诞树下的一个鞋盒,女儿原来把金纸贴在了这个鞋盒上做装饰。Nevertheless, the next morning the little girl, filled with excitement, brought the gift box to her father and said, “This is for you, Daddy!”然而,圣 ………………………………

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