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田野之际,自有烟火人间 | 宁海安岚 THE CHEDI

设计之旅  · 公众号  · 设计  · 2019-08-22 13:30
宁海安岚 THE CHEDI NINGHAI浙江,宁海 ZHEJIANG, NINGHAI由骏地设计的中国第一家安岚酒店The Chedi已于2019年1月份正式运营。安岚同为安缦创始人参与的“安字辈”,属于吉合睦(GHM)旗下的成熟高端品牌。酒店所在地宁海县深甽镇,隐于千亩山林, 坐拥翠谷清风、竹海温泉,让安岚不只单纯的酒店,更独有田野之际的烟火人间。China's first Chedi Hotel designed by Jund, has been officially opened January, 2019. As the member of  "An Generation", The Chedi belongs to the mature high-end brand of GHM. The hotel is located in Shenzhen Town, Ninghai County, where there are thousands acres of forests, verdurous valleys and hot springs, which makes The Chedi is not only a hotel, but also a unique earthy life.▼鸟瞰图 Bird View项目规划充分尊重得场地与自然,根 ………………………………

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