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戈德里克山谷  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-10-22 00:00
授权转载于乐乎用户Falls into AdventureLETA: Theseus thought it would be good if I became part of the Ministry family. NEWT: Did he actually say the words "Ministry family"? She gives a little laugh. They head off along the corridor. Tension. A lot of history.我觉得电影里纽特身上的tension比较明显,但剧本里面这种紧张感并非只是纽特单方面的感受,而是双向的。而且虽然这两句是平行的,但显然纽莉之间紧张的气氛和过往有关:纽特为莉塔背锅被开除【姑且不论究竟是怎么回事】,作为彼此少年时代的唯一朋友最终分道扬镳,要说友谊破裂也不为过。LETA(smiling): Why do strange creatures love you so much? NEWT: Well, there are no strange creatures— NEWT & LETA: "—only blinkered people."She is smiling again. NEWT—just—reciprocates.这场谈话都在反复描述莉塔的表情:面带微笑,话题上也是她在引导纽特,不难看出,莉塔很渴望和纽特重 ………………………………

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