专栏名称: 英文巴士
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英文巴士  · 公众号  ·  · 2023-10-23 23:59
NB: This may not be a word-for-word transcript.Cow Burps Are a Climate Problem. Can Seaweed Help?Narrator: There are about 1.5 billion cows on this planet. That’s one cow for every five people on Earth. We keep them for dairy and meat, and they’re a climate problem that we’ve struggled to solve. Every year, each one of those cows is estimated to release up to 220 pounds of methane, mostly when they burp. That’s about 4% of all greenhouse gas emissions that are warming our planet from burping cows.You’ve probably heard a few solutions to this, like trying to convince people to lower their beef intake or switch to meat alternatives. But instead of trying to convince billions of humans to change their diets, some researchers are focusing on the diet of the cows. And a promising solution might come in the form of seaweed.This video is presented by Delta Airlines.One of the reasons cows produce so much methane is because of their specialized digestive tract. It allows them to dig ………………………………

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