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豆瓣阅读  · 公众号  · 读书  · 2017-06-01 21:08
今天是六一。一早在朋友圈里看到朋友发了标题里这句话,感觉心情一亮。所以送给大家。顺手找到了这首小诗,刚好搭配。还有一整个晚上,还来得及在心里给自己放个假。Vacation TimeWhat should I writea poem aboutI asked my eight year old son“Something good” he said to me“Something that would be fun”I tried to thinkwhat fun could meanto me feeling old and wryAll the bills paid and a broken spadein the middle of July“All the bills paid and a broken spadein the middle of July!”Incredulously he looked at me“Please tell me the reason why”The reason why is the reasonbecause when I’m feeling oldand wrywith all the bills paidand a broken spadeVacation time is nigh假日时光我该写首关于什么的诗呢?我问我八岁的儿子“写点好的”他跟我说“写点好玩的”我想了又想如 ………………………………

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